White Oak

Oak (White)

Common Name(s)
White Oak
Scientific Name
Quercus alba
Tree Distribution
Eastern United States
Tree Size
65-85 ft. tall, 3-4 ft. trunk diameter
Janka Hardness
1350 lbf
Heartwood is a light to medium brown, commonly with an olive cast. Nearly white to light brown sapwood is not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Quarter-sawn sections display prominent ray fleck patterns. Conversely, Red Oak tends to be slightly redder, but is by no means a reliable method of determining the type of oak.
Grain / Texture
Grain is straight, with a coarse, uneven texture.
Pricing / Availability
Abundant availability in a good range of widths and thicknesses, both as flat-sawn and quarter-sawn lumber. Usually slightly more expensive than Red Oak, prices are moderate for a domestic hardwood, though thicker planks or quarter-sawn boards are slightly more expensive.

- Information cited from Wood-Database.com