To purchase from Gryphon Humidors, you must be at least 21 years old. If you place an order, we assume you’re at least 21 years old. Please don’t lie.
We can ship just about anywhere in the world, however, buyers are responsible for their countries local and federal tobacco and tobacco related laws/fees.
All prices on are in United States Dollar (USD). All prices could be changed at any time as we see fit. We do our best to type correctly, but we are best at making sawdust. So, if there is a typo on the site, we’re sorry. If we find an error in the price of items you have ordered, we will contact you and you’ll have the option to either reconfirm your order at the correct price or cancel it. If we’re not able to get ahold of you, we’ll cancel your order.
All humidor builds will require a non-refundable deposit to begin construction. This “good faith” deposit is for covering any upfront costs including but not limited to: lumber, hardware, supplies and any customization requests that incur additional out-of-pocket expenses.
If you decide to cancel your order and construction has already begun on your humidor, your deposit may be forfeited.
This is the primary web site of Gryphon Humidors. All the content within this web site including, but not limited to text, images, and coding are protected by U.S. Federal and International Copyright and Trademark laws. No content may be copied or reproduced in any form, hosted elsewhere online, or used in any means without the explicit written permission of Gryphon Humidors. AKA, please don’t use our website assets without us knowing. That’s not cool.
We’ll never sell or rent your personal information. All information received by us stays in house. Promise.
At, any information you submit is secure. We use a SSL (you know, the green address bar with HTTPS in it) so be confident your information is safe. We prefer to take payment via PayPal for custom orders, so all credit card information is processed through