Mahogany (African)
- Common Name(s)
- African Mahogany
- Scientific Name
- Khaya spp. (Khaya anthotheca, K. grandifoliola, K. ivorensis, K. senegalensis)
- Tree Distribution
- Western Tropical Africa
- Tree Size
- 100-130 ft. tall, 3-5 ft. trunk diameter
- Janka Hardness
- 1070 lbf
- Appearance
- Heartwood color is variable, ranging from a very pale pink to a deeper reddish brown, sometimes with streaks of medium to dark reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age. Quarter-sawn surfaces can also exhibit a ribbon-stripe appearance.
- Grain / Texture
- Grain is straight to interlocked, with a medium to coarse texture. Good natural luster with a light-refracting optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy.
- Pricing / Availability
- Readily available in a variety of lumber sizes, as well as plywood and veneer. Prices are low to moderate for an imported hardwood.
- Information cited from