Sapele (Pommele)

Sapele (Pommele)

Common Name(s)
Sapele, Sapelli, Sapeli
Scientific Name
Entandrophragma cylindricum
Tree Distribution
Tropical Africa
Tree Size
100-150 ft. tall, 3-5 ft. trunk diameter
Janka Hardness
1410 lbf
Heartwood is a golden to dark reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age.
Grain / Texture
Grain is interlocked, and sometimes wavy. Fine uniform texture and good natural luster. Sapele Pommele is basically heavily figured Sapele, coming from parts of a Sapele tree.
Pricing / Availability
Extremely expensive compared to plain-sawn or quarter-sawn Sapele do to its rarity.

- Information cited from