

Common Name(s)
Mockernut Hickory
Scientific Name
Carya tomentosa
Tree Distribution
Eastern United States
Tree Size
100-115 ft (30-35 m) tall, 2-3 ft (.6-1.0 m) trunk diameter
Janka Hardness
1970 lbf
Heartwood tends to be light to medium brown, with a reddish hue; sapwood is a paler yellowish brown. Boards with contrasting heartwood and sapwood create a somewhat rustic appearance that’s sometimes marketed as Calico Hickory.
Grain / Texture
Grain is usually straight, though occasionally wavy, with a medium texture. Pores are medium-sized and open.
Pricing / Availability
Various species of Hickory and Pecan (Carya genus) are typically mixed together and simply sold as Hickory. Prices are usually in the low to mid range, depending upon local availability. Hickory prices should compare similarly to other utility hardwoods such as Red Oak or Soft Maple.

- Information cited from Wood-Database.com